meet your coach

With an extensive background of mastering fundamentals, consulting, mentoring and new business development experience, David Washco is passionate about helping Pastors develop a custom strategy for personal and professional growth. He is particularly adept at establishing consultative relationships with clients and colleagues that fosters a collaborative approach to solving challenges, overcoming obstacles and improving personal effectiveness.  David has been serving in the life of a church for over 20 years in multiple roles and currently is the Director of Discipleship for Denver United Methodist Church and working towards being a Local Pastor.


The church is God’s house and more often than not, shares similar leadership functions of a business. David’s competitive edge, a “Blackbelt in Achievement,” in conjunction with his two decades of martial arts training, has elevated personal productivity of others, discovering new levels of discipline and improved effectiveness for over 20 years.


Highly skilled at developing simple action plans customized to the individual, David helps clergy identify the results they want to achieve, putting them on the path to becoming their personal best.  His approach includes modeling and mapping behaviors with the mindsets needed to accomplish desired results.


 “My approach is simple and based on a solid tried and true foundation.  Listen well.  Then ask the right questions.” 


Your potential is his passion!  Assisting newly appointed and/or mature Pastors with developing or strengthening leadership skills is David’s calling.


An initial consultation is free.  Take action today to achieve higher fulfillment, growth in effectiveness, and improved health and well-being.

David Washco Black Belt Promotion

The Vision

Higher fulfillment and effectiveness for Pastors through independent leadership coaching.

The Mission

To become recognized as a trusted advisor to pastors.  Specializing in leadership development, pastors newly appointed to a church, and improving healthy lifestyle and ministry longevity.

Core Values


Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like; he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.                                                                           Luke 6:47-48

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